Wednesday 25 September 2013

How to use Split Function in Visual Basic 6.0

Split function in VB 6.0 actually splits a string based on delimiter provided and returns it into an

Suppose there is a string like this "Ram#23#Male#M.G.Road"
Now if we split this string with delimiter # into a variant array name arr the result will be

Here is the program written into a function

private sub SplitString(strTxt as string,delimiter as string)
  dim var
  dim i as integer
  var = VBA.Split(strTxt,delimiter)
   for i=lbound(var) to ubound(var)
       debug.print var(i)
   next i
end sub

'In form load event the function is called with 2 parameters, a string and a delimiter #
private sub Form_Load()
  call splitstring( "Ram#23#Male#M.G.Road","#")
end sub

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