Wednesday 18 June 2014

How to run 16 bit program in 64 bit Windows OS

Generally you will not be able to run old widows 16 bit program in Windows 64 bit OS.
But it is possible after installing a software known as DOSBox. This is basically an emulator
which helps you to run your 16 bit programs.
Just follow this link given below from where you can download DOSBox.

DOSBox Download link

Wait... After installing when you open the program you will get a DOS based interface.
Now suppose you want to run Turbo C which is in you D:\TC . You need to mount this folder as
as virtual drive i.e. d, for that write this command mount d d:\tc. If succeeded it will display a
message : Drive D is mounted as Local Directory D:\TC.

It's all done. Just type D: ad press enter on the prompt and it will change the drive to virtual drive
as D:>. Now you have to imagine your current directory as d:\tc, not d: ad you can do all work you
need to to on this current directory.

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